West Papua tribes

 How many distinct tribes exist in West Papua?


How do they slumber?

The western half of the island of New Guinea is known as West Papua, which is separate from the sovereign nation of Papua New Guinea (made up of the two provinces of Papua and West Papua). 

There are about 312 distinct tribes there, some of which have not been in contact with outsiders. The highland peoples of Papua live in the middle hilly region and raise pigs and grow sweet potatoes.

The lowland peoples hunt and collect food to survive in marshy, malaria-infested coastal areas.

The several tribal languages spoken in Papua New Guinea range from similar to completely different.

 The population differs racially from the Indonesians who rule their nation.

What issues do they encounter?

Under the Indonesian occupation, which started in 1963, all the Papuan peoples have endured severe suffering. Human rights abuses by the Indonesian army against the Papuans have a long history, and the racist Indonesian troops mainly despise the Papuan people.

The Indonesian government and international corporations earn greatly from the exploitation of Papua's natural riches, but at the price of the Papuan peoples and their ancestral lands.

The Indonesian military follows foreign businesses into Papua in order to "guard" the "important projects." The military's presence is virtually usually linked to abuses of human rights such murder, arbitrary detention, rape, and torture.

Even more Papuans are at risk of having their human rights violated when they demonstrate against the Indonesian government, the military, or "important projects."

How can I assist?

Spend money on Survival.
Send a letter to the Indonesian administration.
Write your MEP or MP (UK).
Write to your senators, congressmen, or other elected authorities, including the president (US).
Write to the Indonesian embassy in your city.

How can Survival be useful?

By exposing and opposing the human rights violations the Papuan peoples endure and fighting for their right to own their land, Survival is promoting the Papuan peoples' right to live in peace on their own land.

In West Papua, a Korowai father and his child.
In West Papua, a Korowai father and his child. International Survival
We back the Papuans in their fight for the acknowledgement of their land rights as well as their rejection to any destructive ventures on their territory.

Survival is urging the Indonesian government to stop violating human rights and start a conversation with the Papuan people so that they may determine their own future and way of life.

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